Change My Life
Rik Jam is one of the most talented young artist to come through Irie Yute Records to date. His throwback style with original new school flavor fills a major void in today's reggae scene. We had the opportunity to speak with Rik Jam about his new release "Change my life" and what it took to get him where he is today.
Q) Definitely one for the lovers, talk to us about your new single "Change My Life" and where the inspiration came from to write a love tune?
RJ: My inspiration came from about three years ago when I had a relationship that ended up on the bad side, I remembered one day I was sitting and an idea flew out of my head and that’s where I created the song. It was supposed be a breakup song but I change it because I’m all about positivity and I wouldn’t give that type of idea out for the world.
Q) "Change My Life" is your 3rd single now on Irie Yute Records, how did you and Philip first meet?
RJ: I met Phillip in 2016 at a local band competition where I was performing for my school, and at the time, he was one of the judges. And at the end of the competition he left a great compliment and that’s where the journey begins.
Q) Can you remember the first reggae song you heard?
RJ: To be honest, I’ve been hearing a lot of reggae music from a child and can’t tell which exact song I first listened to, but I think it was a modern kind of reggae music.
Q) Who are the artists you are currently listening to?
RJ: Currently I’m listening to a little of everything or most things. Like Chronixx, Protoge, Kabaka Pyramid, Jesse Royal, Damian Marley, plus a lot more.
Q) Born in Fletcher Land, tell us a little about your background and when you knew music was something you wanted to pursue?
RJ: Okay. Fletcher’s Land is a vibrant community and I could hear it on the inside because my family was of the strict kind, I could only stand and watch on the sidelines. Music has been a major role in my life because everyday as I wake up I’m hearing music. From Gospel to Reggae, to Souls and to Dancehall. I realized I wanted to do music when I was a child at around 8-10 years old and my mom was my first aspiration due to her great voice in church. So yea, Music was definitely the goal for me from those times.
Q) Who are some of your musical influences?
RJ: Chronixx is the main influence along other artistes like Jesse Royal and Protoge, Kabaka Pyramid, Damian Marley, Alton Ellis, and many more Greats.
Q) What artists would you like to work with one day?
RJ: I’d love to work with Chronixx one day, Koffee, Jesse Royal, Protoge, but it’s all for a matter of time.
Q) Being a young up and coming artist, what is the best piece of advice you can you give to other young aspiring artists who wish to pursue music?
RJ: My advice to every young artists that are out there is to never give up. Use your experiences, your past to strengthen your drive for the future. Because you’re the only person that can stop your own success. And don’t let anyone’s negative opinion deprive you from your destiny.
Q) What can we expect from Rik Jam the remainder of 2019? Possible Album / EP in the works?
RJ: You’ll be expecting more positive music from me in the remainder of the year. And yes we’re working on an EP, hopefully we can get it out before the year ends.
My name is Ronaldo Ricketts, known as Rik Jam. I was born and raised in a community called Fletcher Land. I spent half of my childhood years in Fletcher Land until my mom passed and I moved to Stadium Gardens where I now reside with my father. Life has changed a bit since I moved, I have faced some challenges, but music is the only thing that is keeping me together. My love for music started from the very tender age of 8 when I would actively participate in all the singing activities at church. However, my passion for music blossomed when I entered my teenage years. At the age of 15 while attending the St Andrew technical high school I decided to join the school choir. As I participated in various rehearsals and live performances I quickly realized that music was my life goal. I felt a passion within me each time I sang, I did not just want to voice the words of a song but I wanted my music to speak to my audience. Form early on in my music career I purposed myself to sing clean, positive lyrics as such music help to keep one focused and give you a positive energy. Music is like a gateway to my happiness and without it I don't think I could function properly. I want to learn more about this music industry, I want to learn how to play some instruments So far I have a little knowledge in playing the piano, but I am taking it one step at a time as I appreciate the music and my audience as I am guided by the
words of Bob Marley “When the root is strong, the fruit is sweet.”
I met Phillip at a high school band Competition and this ended up being an inspiring experience. Upon venturing out to pursue my musical goals Philip advised me to complete my education before doing music full time. Having complete my education I had a chance to record my first song “Love never Lost". Because of my single “Love never Lost” I started performing at various events .This knowledge and experience that I have gathered have open up new doors and certainly have help me compose my next song title “Life”